No system is perfect and it may happen that you encounter issue with AIRe Link. Usual suspects are browser incompatibilities or connectivity issues. If you find some behaviour that you believe is incorrect you should report it to us so we can take a look at it and improve AIRe Link.
Please use this forum as a primary channel to reach support or report issues. This way we can easily share the knowledge between users. Please use
tags to mark the issue.
What information do we need?
Typically we need all information that could help us to simulate the issue in our environment. Minimum set should contain:
1) What URL it happens on (e.g., etc.)
2) What device it happened on (e.g. PC, Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet…)
3) What is the operating system (e.g. Android, Windows 10…)
4) What is the browser (e.g. Chrome 81, Firefox 68…)
5) What was the network environment (e.g. wifi, mobile data…)
6) Steps to induce the issue (click on join button > click on config button > error appears)
Optional things that can be useful:
1) Screenshots and/or video
2) Network diagnostics (ping, speedtest…)
3) Report from https://test.8× (click on
and attach the report or paste link)
4) Any supplemental information that you consider important/useful
Thank you for helping us making AIRe Link better product!